Friday, August 28, 2009

Day +149: A Sigh of Relief

Another quick update tonight...we spent 6 1/2 hours at the Day Hospital today and things appear to be improving with Max. So far, the test results that they have received back have not shown anything of serious concern. In addition, Dr. Davies checked him out thoroughly and in her typical fashion, with all of her experience and knowledge behind her said, "I'm not too excited. I think this will solve itself." sigh of relief. Max recieved another bolus of fluid just to be sure he doesn't get dehydrated and I was again instructed to keep a close eye on him and call/bring him to the ER if things worsen over the weekend. Overall, he seems to be improving. He is eating and drinking a bit more and the "poopee" is slowing down.

Another good reminder of how careful we need to continue to be. The nagging thought in my head the last few days has been, "we did too much...we have to be more careful...after all, it's only temporary." Max and I had a great conversation on the way down to the hospital this morning and we agreed that we just have to be extra, extra cautious. We realized as we were talking that we are already over halfway through the most intense part of this journey. He asked how long he has been doing this and I told him since January and then we counted the months - almost 8. I had been explaining that we just really need to be careful for the whole first year post his transplant so then we counted the months until April 1, 2010 - just over 7. At that point, we realized that we are over half way there and decided that we can do this, no problem. We are just going to buckle down (not like we haven't been already but, we are going to double buckle down) and try to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.

With this in mind, I talked to the nurses and doctors today about Alex and school and I think we may hold off for a bit. I just don't think I can take the stress of sickness in the house - and I know Alex will get sick at preschool, everyone knows that is a germ factory, unfortunately! Not to mention the swine flu that we keep hearing has popped up more and more around here. So, the plan at this point (which I still need to discuss with my husband - sorry, Matt) is to hold off on school until maybe November or so. We are hoping that the swine flu vaccine will be approved by mid-October and have been told by our docs that our whole family (with the exception of Max) needs to be innoculated and will be tops on the list to receive it down there. We will all get the regular seasonal flu vaccine by then too so the combination will give us a huge layer of protection against the most evil of germs. By that point, Max will be 7 or 8 months post transplant too and the more time, the better for his little "Ellee Cell Garden". I hope that I will be able to relax and deal with germs a little better by then too.

So, that's it for today. Breathing much easier tonight, although still watching our Maxer closely. We're having a fun night too. We had planned a sleep over at Mama and Papi's since Daddy is gone and Max said today at the hospital that there was just about nothing that could keep him from doing that tonight. Luckily he seems to be feeling better and is enjoying playing basketball with Papi and Alex in the basement right now. We have a big game of musical chairs planned for a bit later. I know I'm exhausted already and I'm sure Max is too - we'll all be in bed by 9:00! :)

Thanks for your continued love, thoughts and prayers and for all of you that have signed up to walk or donated already! We have been touched to already see such amazing support of Max and our all rock!

More soon...

Peace and love,
Kristi (and Matt, Max, Alex and Ellee..and Mama and Papi tonight too)


  1. So glad to hear Dr. Davies is not too concerned. She is such a great doctor. What a great idea that was to count out the months down and those to go! You are super tough and we know you can do this!

    Much love and prayers,

    The Merks

  2. SO good to hear that Dr Davies said everything was ok, between her and Dr Fillipovich I think sometimes they keep me sane! They are awesome, keep on rockin Max you are great,and Kristi I know the worry will never go away like we have talked about before, but you such an inspiration to me! Miss you all and can not wait to see ya again one day! Love and Prayers, Matt, Jasey and Preston Snead


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