I am writing today to be sure that everyone is aware of the blood and bone marrow drive that we are holding this Saturday, May 8th at our church, Lutheran Church of the Resurrection from 9 am - 3 pm. We are holding the drive in honor of Max's one year post-transplant anniversary and Hoxworth has titled it "Max Meyer's Big Give Blood Drive", as you can see on the flyer at the following link: https://acrobat.com/#d=vRiUP8cx1aQMSfGUw8DxsQ. It is one of the ways that we are hoping to give back somewhat for the miracle that we have witnessed in Max's life.
So far we only have a few people signed up to donate blood and Monica and I are concerned and feeling disappointed. Last year she had more turn out than Hoxworth could handle so, we planned for lots of slots this year and so far the response has been minimal. We would just ask that you consider giving the gift of life to a stranger through a blood donation. Max received 25 blood and platelet transfusions last year through his battle with Aplastic Anemia and he would not have survived without them. The picture above is from one day last year when he was getting a blood and platelet transfusion (you can see it coming down the lines to the left of him into his IV which is covered by his blankets). Everyday, Hoxworth needs 350 whole blood donors and 40 platelet donors to meet the needs of patients here in the greater Cincinnati area. Sixty percent of the adult population in the US is eligible to donate but only 5 percent do!
If you are interested in donating on Saturday, please contact Monica McGrew at mmmcgrew@yahoo.com or 513-231-6768. Additionally, if you are not signed up for the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry yet and would like to sign up on Saturday, you can stop by the church anytime during the drive to pick up a kit and get registered. It just involves a simple swab of your cheek (ie no needles required to get on the registry).
We know first hand how important and life-saving your donation of blood and/or bone marrow can be. Max would not be here today without the kindness of many, many anonymous blood donors.
Hope to see you on Saturday!
Peace and love,
Kristi (and Matt, Max, Alex, Ellee and Spud)
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